Tuesday 19 August 2014

allotment latest...

Keeping it short just like the grass earlier today... .also a of weeding. Put down some netting to keep the birds off. The allotment is really coming together-looks quite impressive.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

12/8/14 surrey docks

Trip to Surrey Docks farm yesterday. Its an interesting place to visit. Nice to be able to go with friends .The weather was a bit nasty though-rained heavily-you wouldn't believe the mud. Almost got stuck in it. 

Tuesday 5 August 2014

today on 5/8/2014

We looked at the weather report and talked about it-hot, but not hot enough to deter us-we're a tough bunch. We than walked to the to the allotment and took Happus (the dog) with us. At the allotment I weeded the Pumpkins, onions and beetroot and then watered them all. The ground was pretty dried out as you can imagine-this recent hot weather is obviously a problem.

22/72014 Tuesday

Watered Bans, took up Onions, planted more Potatoes, and kale, Broccoli.

Tuesday 24/6/2014

I  watered  the vegetables and planted the Pumpkins. I did some weeding as well.

Allotment group.

added manure to Bed, to Turned it over and watered it. Sowed Carrots and Beet Roots.                              

8/7/2014 TUSEDAY

Today on the allotment I  Harvested  my potatoes