Tuesday 9 September 2014

I planted a pumpkin seed in a pot in June. I watered it lots of times because it needed lots of water.It grew into a seedling, which I planted in the big bed. It got lots of Sun. We had a good summer this year. I cut it from the stem today. There are still  more flowers, so I might get more.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

allotment group 2/9/2014

Today we discussed the weather and what we were going  to do at the allotment. I did some weeding and watering .For lunch we went to Lou Farrow's-I tried cheeseburger and chips-very tasty.
Watering your garden

Tuesday 19 August 2014

allotment latest...

Keeping it short just like the grass earlier today... .also a of weeding. Put down some netting to keep the birds off. The allotment is really coming together-looks quite impressive.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

12/8/14 surrey docks

Trip to Surrey Docks farm yesterday. Its an interesting place to visit. Nice to be able to go with friends .The weather was a bit nasty though-rained heavily-you wouldn't believe the mud. Almost got stuck in it. 

Tuesday 5 August 2014

today on 5/8/2014

We looked at the weather report and talked about it-hot, but not hot enough to deter us-we're a tough bunch. We than walked to the to the allotment and took Happus (the dog) with us. At the allotment I weeded the Pumpkins, onions and beetroot and then watered them all. The ground was pretty dried out as you can imagine-this recent hot weather is obviously a problem.

22/72014 Tuesday

Watered Bans, took up Onions, planted more Potatoes, and kale, Broccoli.

Tuesday 24/6/2014

I  watered  the vegetables and planted the Pumpkins. I did some weeding as well.

Allotment group.

added manure to Bed, to Turned it over and watered it. Sowed Carrots and Beet Roots.                              

8/7/2014 TUSEDAY

Today on the allotment I  Harvested  my potatoes

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Growing things for the fete

Today we potted up snapdragons, begonias, and violets. We're going to sell them at Bede Summer Fete on Friday,20th June.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Allotment in may

Today I planted  beans, cut off  broad beans and watered beans and onions. They look good. They're growing bigger. We planted pumpkin seeds in little pots and now they are sprouting. We keep them in a little plastic greenhouse.  

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Planted and Thyme. Weeded Onions.  watered beans watered pumpkins

Create dance

Lots of people at Bede joined in with local school children to create a dance. We had a woman who taught us. We practised for six weeks. Then we performed it. Lots of people came to watch.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

today allotment sloop

the weather report was wrong  today as it did not rain on us . I weeded in between my broad beans and onions. I also topped up the earth around the potatoes.         

Tuesday 8 April 2014

in the allotment this weet

 I have been sowing broad beans, onions and garlic in the allotment.
 I put manure in a different bed. Manure is food for the plants.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

my christmas

I had a nice Christmas. I got a singlet and some socks.
you are one in a million. keep on smiling dude.